Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Free Kindle Books for Gardening

I have a confession to make...

I am an e-book hoarder. It's awful. I have more e-books on my Kindle app than I could ever read in a lifetime. But most of them were FREE! I just can't pass up a free book. I have limited myself to only downloading free books that pertain to hobbies I'm interested in. It's helped... a little. Okay so it hasn't really. But at least I know I have them if I ever need to look something up. (That's what I keep telling myself anyway!)

So since I have been doing a lot of vegetable gardening research I decided to share with you guys some free gardening Kindle e-books to download today! These are free at the time of this posting but they may not last for long so go get them asap!

1. Indoor Gardening Essentials: The Essential Guide for Growing Herbs and Vegetables From Home
Learn how to grow any vegetables and herbs you want all year round without having to wait for the right season!

2. Home Vegetable Gardening- a complete and practical guide to the planting and care of all vegetables, fruits and berries worth growing for home use
Exactly what it says, a complete guide!

3. Plant a Seed and Watch it Grow!
A book for the children in your life (ages 2-6 years old)! A pictured book to teach children about seed germination and how to grow their own plant.

4.Companion Planting for Better Crops 
Learn how plants protect and nourish each other when grown together.

5.Container Gardening Made Easy: Beginners Guide To Growing Organic Herbs and Vegetables in Your Indoor Garden.
Another container gardening guide.

6.Organic Herb Gardening: Beginners Guide to Planning, Growing, and Preserving Your Own Culinary and Medicinal Herbs

Organic herb gardening to suit your needs.

Now go download some free books! I haven't read any of these free books yet, myself, so if you do let us know what you think!

**** Come back tomorrow! I may have an awesome giveaway in the works!****

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