Just to update everyone...
Lyric has arrived!!
The past three weeks have had their ups and downs. I'm still trying to get used to having two little ones to take care of. I know many mothers have more children than that and I tip my hat to those women! I'm not going to sugar coat it, I'm lucky if I have a chance to brush my teeth! It might help if I didn't have a colicky baby. I have cut out all dairy, caffeine, and gassy foods and he still is having trouble. Aside from the chiropractor, the only other thing that somewhat soothes him is baby wearing. Unfortunately I can't carry him for long periods of time because I'm still healing from a C section and I get a little sore. ( More about that in his birth story)
Another thing that I'm trying to get used to is running errands with both kids. WOW! I didn't think it would be all that different... it's A LOT different! Trying to get everyone dressed and out of the house at the right time is an art that I just have not mastered yet, not even close! You don't want to get ready too early, because then someone needs their diaper changed again before you leave. Then if you get to your appointment too early with a toddler and have to wait longer in the waiting room, well... just don't! It's not fun for anyone! So far we have been late for almost every appointment we have gone to. It happens. I'm fine with that.
Apparently my husband is trying to get used to another baby as well. The other day he used the baby's bottle brush to clean out the meat grinder. I thanked him for doing the dishes but told him he had to go to the store for a new brush. (In my head screaming AAAAAGH!!)
I am officially cloth diapering both children. Well for the most part anyways. It is a little tough keeping up on the laundry so we do have days where they are in disposables. I am trying to be better about that. I am also learning to just let certain things go in order to keep my sanity. A disposable diaper will not bring about my demise.
I am trying my hardest not to be that "perfect mom" in other people's eyes, but instead be the perfect mom in the eyes of my children. They are very different.
All in all, I am so thankful for my beautiful little family! It may be a lot more work, but there is a lot more love in this house!
And if I don't have time to post before Thursday,